Managing Marriage and Business with Brad & Casey - Become A Real Estate Investor, with Brad Smotherman

A couple of years ago, we had an episode about dealing with divorce as one of the five big motivators that we see in deal flows.

This time we’re taking a lighter tone and talking about the best way of working with your spouse.

My guest is my wife Casey, who joined me in business a couple of years ago. We are sharing our experiences of working together, the best parts, the challenging parts, and most importantly, advice for those who may be running into one of the biggest business roadblocks – an unsupportive spouse.

What We Cover:

  • What made Casey transition from teaching into real estate
  • The concerns Casey and Brad had before starting to work together
  • How spouses can prevent their business to take over their marriage
  • The importance of setting common goals for business and life
  • The best and the worst parts of working together
  • What to do if you are starting out in business and you have an unsupportive spouse

Not every couple needs to work together, and that is perfectly fine. However, if you decide to work with your spouse, be ready to commit to common goals so you can thrive in business and stay married. If you are dealing with an unsupportive spouse, often the turning point is closing your first deal. But if the lack of support persists, you’ll need to make a decision on how far you will take it and what that commitment is.
