Check Your Commitment - Become A Real Estate Investor, with Brad Smotherman

Instead of a Tuesday Morning Coffee episode, which gave us some hard time with the audio recording last week, today I want to invite you to check your commitment.

I’m getting through 75 HARD program. It is a mental toughness program that requires you to commit to doing 5 things every day for 75 days, including workouts, reading non-fiction, drinking a gallon of water, following a nutrition plan and recording your progress.

While I’m about to run for 30 minutes in a thunderstorm, I realize I’m not necessarily in love with the process. But I am in love with the commitment to see this through.

The same goes for business – if you want the outcome you desire in terms of your income and your lifestyle, you have to jump into commitment.

So I challenge you to take some time this week and figure out what commitment means to you. And I’d like to hear back from you!

Email us if you have a question you’d like answered on one of the following Tuesdays.
